Whilst I was preparing a new blog post, I decided to take a break on Facebook (that’s just my way of glorifying procrastination- LOL) and I saw this post – I'm not going to say by who – and it was from a blog claiming to give the truth about cancer and how a certain type of chemical in food causes obesity and “excites the brain to death”. If you know me personally, or if you realised this through my posts, I absolutely HATE scaremongering and I hate using that technique of writing in my blog. They even use this technique to scare people into not taking protective measures against possible deadly diseases - i.e . anti-vaxxers. If you want to explain something, explain it without using excessive comparisons in order to scare people. Fear isn't the right way to explain science. There are bloggers out there that fill their blogs with pseudoscience; they are self-proclaimed experts in their chosen field, especially after they've graduated from Google Univer